Tuesday 31 May 2011

Hola queridos lectores y lectoras . Esperamos que lo están haciendo bien.
OK so I'm learning Spanish.
I know that's kinda weird and slightly random and spontaneous but I'm kinda bored and i don't have a lot of options this week.
True ... you may ask me wtf?! your gonna be a doctor don't you have a lot more important subjects to study.
I might even be like sure I do actually medicine, surgery, orthopedics, obstetrics and gynaecology, pediatrics so when do i plan to do Spanish.
It actually happened at the bookstore the other day when i was browsing through some books and i found a book on easy Spanish I sat there and read that for hours until i finally realised i should actually seriously read this it might make a lot of sense. Studying something you don't need to or never have to. Hey it might sort of help if i ever go on a holiday to south America or even Spain.
That little streak of optimism.
oh yeah and some help with those initial lines http://www.spanishdict.com/translation

Sunday 15 May 2011

sayo naraaaaa

OK so its weird where this week i have really learnt that somethings from the beginning were way beyond my control and even if i tried it wouldn't be possible to change it for a fact!

I cant change the fact that some people just hate each other so much they don't even talk to each other or work it out. People can behave so totally immature sometimes.
And then life throws you one of those curve balls and your so unprepared that you just have to sit out and watch the sequence of events that follow without you being able to anything
about it.
I think I'm having a generally sucky week and over thinking this too much!