Third year is suppose to be the best year in your entire course of medicine ever.
This is probably cuz of the fact that you don't need to study all that much. You can get away with it at the end of the year.
Quite contradictory to what you expect from a med student but it really can't be helped and that's how we went wild in the first few months of third year.
Dancing on DJ counters to wild treasure hunts around Goa, near death experiences, getting arrested , para sailing, wild binge drinking club hopping nights, late night concerts, staying out staying up, eating squid (was actually a challenge for some of my friends) , long road trips, lighthouses, birthday parties, shopping on impulse(the reason for my bankruptcy)... and so much more.
This was all in just the first three months of 6Th sem the beginning of third year. Theres still the entire year left! Woo hoo!
Loving it!!!