O k maybe i really messed it up this time.
With a person you couldn't always call a friend but she was pretty important and probably a huge chunk of my coll life considering we have to spend almost 6 hours a day at least together.
The thing is it isn't so simple.
At times I really can't stand her but the other times i think shes a nice person . I try to be nice to her but I invariably end up hurting her. Its just that at times she gets on my nerves like by acting super dominating and with the oh I'm so better than you attitude and you can never really be right and if she doesn't know anything its not applicable or relevant in the field of medicine that it really gets to me and pushes me off the edge and I end up doing or saying something completely stupid that she gets unfortunately extra pissed off at. And later I feel like a total idiot.
But she can be a nice person and she is at times sometimes more often than the other side. Which I find really cool. Cuz at times we do share the same interests stuff it would just make it a lot easier if we just got along most of the time...
Not just for us but for everyone.
Ok - "Analyze this"!
If she really means a friend you cannot live without, someone who is a part of everything you do, and someone whose wrong behavior -you feel a pressing need to change because you feel you are wrong if she is wrong - then you need to talk to her about her behavior and try to change that! Speak out what you feel and if she means that what I explained above to you and you to her, SHE WOULD UNDERSTAND!
Else, follow the age old classic proverb and pray:
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference!"
And as a Libran, it must be an easy thing to know the difference. Knowing when to give your opinion - only when you know it matters! :)
Cant u give her more chances?....!
Have quickly thought))))
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