Sunday, 19 April 2015

Well, it's been ages

I know it's been more than a year since I even typed on this blog or posted anything. With instagram and twitter I mean... Blogging is a thing of the past.

But I do believe it was best I didn't post my crazy life which turned upside down inside out with its highs and lows last year.

The heart breaks,  the moments of sheer pain,  the reckless words tossed around to the adrenaline rush of doing my first surgery skin to skin and the many more that followed and basking in the glow. Working,  sweating it getting results,  thesis proposal rejection to acceptance to heartbreakers, mood elevators, ugh..
It's been crazy.
Most of all its been a learning year. So much learnt about human behavior and it's complexities to all the evil around to wondering if there is any good around and when you think the world is a bad place something or someone showers you with some kind light and gets you thinking "hey its not that bad" and you sigh in  relief think it's all gonna be ok and just be grateful. Grateful for everything you have. Just grateful.

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