Let laughter cease and comfort flee,
this is the place where death enlightens to educate the living.
This is probably the first thing that catches your attention as you walk into out anatomy dissection lab. Yes we finally had dissection today, yes I finally dissected a cadaver today. After like a month of waiting YES YES YES!!! So we enter our lab today white coats, dissection kit, a lab manual. We hurry to get a good seat near the bodies. Our first glimpse at the full length of the body. The smell of formalin in the air. Sorta makes you sick.
We finally sit down and the teacher comes explains to us how we use a scalpel ,forceps and etc etc, procedures, and what exactly we're suppose to be dissecting.
She asks us who's ready to start dissection first, nearly everyone jump at that. Cant blame us for being a little over enthu on the fact that this is the first time we've come to something this close that was one human walking talking and even breathing like us.
So each of us start dissecting. I feel a little too sick. I guess it was the formalin. At least three of them fainted and another threw up. But over all was a good experience.
As I come out I text my dad explaining to him what i dissected and his reply went something like this- welcome to the real world of being a med student!
this is the place where death enlightens to educate the living.
This is probably the first thing that catches your attention as you walk into out anatomy dissection lab. Yes we finally had dissection today, yes I finally dissected a cadaver today. After like a month of waiting YES YES YES!!! So we enter our lab today white coats, dissection kit, a lab manual. We hurry to get a good seat near the bodies. Our first glimpse at the full length of the body. The smell of formalin in the air. Sorta makes you sick.
We finally sit down and the teacher comes explains to us how we use a scalpel ,forceps and etc etc, procedures, and what exactly we're suppose to be dissecting.
She asks us who's ready to start dissection first, nearly everyone jump at that. Cant blame us for being a little over enthu on the fact that this is the first time we've come to something this close that was one human walking talking and even breathing like us.
So each of us start dissecting. I feel a little too sick. I guess it was the formalin. At least three of them fainted and another threw up. But over all was a good experience.
As I come out I text my dad explaining to him what i dissected and his reply went something like this- welcome to the real world of being a med student!
ugh.you must have a very strong disposition.
..................................... Writing a comment or a compliment or a suggestion for this thing is outta my hands.., I mean,m no med student rey.. but..hmm..interesting..
so cool!
Nice post. Despite the gore I've encountered on occasion, I don't know how I'd react to having to do a dissection myself.
u gota admit this k.was it the smell of formalin or the yuky sight of blood oozzing out of the body on which u placed ur first surgical cut....[well ma bro..is studin medical he told tat it was the 2 one which made nearly puk]
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