So this post as the name suggests is to my so oh close friends who i miss so much - nami, dc, keerthi, samu,ananya ... i so love u guys! I guess I didnt thank you guys very well.
Well not to sound gay or anything but you guys have been there with me for so long.
To Samu- talking to you on the phone the night i was not in my senses on the ride back home, cant believe you put up with me even when I was half gone and pretty rude. Also to the time I thought KK got arrested and wanted you to come with me to the police station. Ha ha you so stood by me... thank you.
To Nami- those rough times with Ann and magnetic effects( man we did study like crap that time) those light minutes where you made me feel so good about myself when I was feeling low.
Those bf talks, those exchange of ideas , debates, dancing till we dropped! lol.
To Ananya- purple haze, curls, late night chats, drama in every minute of our life! Whether it was jacking someone or just having pure fun, and of course the heart to hearts. Taught me a lot haven't you!
To dc- how would I have survive 12th without you! Your company is always cherished. And omg! those serious bitching sessions , rides back home, tuition, dhai batata puri etc
To keerthi- confessions! I probably confessed right about anything to you. 9th std and of course the usual bitching and ur puris and gobi manchuri were delicious!
Now as i sit in my room in the hostel you pics adorn my side and everyone who stops by asks me who you guys are and says the pics are damn funny! Thank you guys oh-so much for everything. Without you guys, I wouldn't be who I was...