Saturday, 12 May 2007

Pheromones as Aphrodisiacs

Pheromones are basically body secretions , which effect the organisms olfactory senses even though it is said that these chemicals have no odour thy work in mysterious ways.
One of these so called effects are the dormitory effect. This is when women living in close quarters or in a relationship fall into the same cycle thereby bringing about a synchronity in their menstrual cycle.
Unfortunately since the sense of smell in humans is not that developed pheromones do not play an important role. However it is said that pheromones are the scientific equality of a mythological cupids arrows. In many animals they are powerful sexual attractants. Or so called "turn ons".

Perfume industries have taken advantage of these pheromones and have designed synthetic ones or extracted them from animals and put them in perfumes. Even though they haven't been marketed as any such aphrodisiacs but as mood enhancers to relax and stimulate your senses they still sell.
The scientific community still has to give its final verdict on the pheromones. Are they really lust signals for love?


Anonymous said...

you really seem fascinated by this... u should do research on it, it'll be so cool
and btw, the perfume industry HAS marketed stuff as aphrodisiacs.. musk is one obvious example that comes to mind... as a rule, perfumes are marketed as a means by which to attract the opposite sex, not just about making u feel better or more relaxed (haven't u seen the ads)

Anonymous said...

ohh... and pleassee open out the comment section for direct posting (its a suggestion techincally, not a comment)
that way even if u dont come ol for a couple of days, people can comment, and know what other people are saying as well

untapped said...

oh ya the onlything i rememeber is the axe effect which makes it pretty clear