I know it sounds corny, but I just want to go back and be a kid again! No college to worry about, no admissions etc, just the next day of school, some crappy homework where they teach you whats abc and tell you to add one and one.
I want to go back, and as it may seem , I'm shrugging of responsibilities ,being immature and cant face situations. I just want to go back to those really carefree days,roller-blading, hula hooping, playing on the jungle gym and having that sensation when you swing really high and just jump into the sand below. That feeling when your in mid air for split seconds and it feels like your flying and then you land on your bottom doesn't hurt, cuz its just sand!
I want to go back to those days of playing hide and seek, stuck in the mud and all those stupid things we would play. Somersaulting and Marco polo in the water,having stupid races etc.
If only I could go back to those days of just idling around and the only thing to worry was curfews and homework and trying to not get caught in the act of doing something mischievous.
Time just flies, days, weeks, months, years, decades and soon i'll be eighty watching my grandkids so the same(if i have any that is).
1 comment:
I think a lot of us want to do that, alas time never comes back.
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