Oh ya... one more month to go, I have no idea if I'm anxious or eager for this change all i know is there's no looking back just another month to go! And thanks to a certain somebody who I was chatting with on msn today morning i realized that fact.
Well I finally made a list and finally started shopping. It must sound like some sorta great expedition to the Himalayas , and exaggerated hundredfold, cuz i guess this is a huge leap for me. As I said , never been away from home and family for a prolonged period of time and the last time i travelled without family, i got food poisoned! ( An incident in Ooty worth remembering!) .
So as I was saying, made this huge list of all the stuff I'll need, ranging from portable iron to hankies, to nail polish remover to stapler pins!
So we set out to get this stuff, my mom, a shopaholic who knows every inch of commercial street and the best of stuff in these gullies there ( shoppers secret- you always find the nicer things in the gullies of commercial street than the main road and get the best bargains there).
So we got a lot of junk jewelery. I just cant stop collecting them! So as we explored further and got more stuff. We were in one of these gullies and getting something called as a pico done to the clothes. It was a narrow gully with predominantly of Muslim/parsi tailor shops and on this wall was a poster of none other than Saddam Hussein. Inconspicuous as it may have been, at that moment when I noticed it , it seemed strange in this particular setting. Long gone is this tyrant, but his impression still remains even in the narrow gullies in commercial street.
We moved on, picked up our clothes and set off for Bhagat ram, very famous for their sweets especially gulab jamuns which i learned to love because of the way they make it.
Today we plan raid my grand moms cupboards for some necessities like towels and bedsheets etc, shes got an entire store which saves us the trouble of going and shopping for some.
My social calender right about now looks full, with so many people in town all of a sudden sigh...
So off i have to set out again.
In a way, I wish this would all be over, I guess now you might know what i mean by eagerly and anxiously!
Why does everyone suddenly want to go on a trek to the himalyas?
Does anyone realize anymore that what they are escaping from is themselves and it is sort of a futile attempt?
Geez people, think a bit, if you don't know how, learn!
who ever u r, plz read the entire post....
in ur misguided attempts to comment u must have forgotten the vital part of actually reading a post!
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